How to break the Pain→Fear→Tension Cycle

If we can learn to break the Pain→Fear→Tension cycle in labor it can help our body AND mind feel more comfortable with the sensations of labor.


If we feel pain we begin to fear its discomfort, when we fear the discomfort we tense our bodies, when we tense our bodies the pain increases. As contractions enter and leave our body, at times birthers will tense up as they begin to enter the body, this can build tension and make the waves feel more intense than they really are.


The easiest way to break the cycle is to release tension.

Here is where the SOFTEN. DROP. OPEN. actions come into play.

SOFTEN. Your eyes (and face) can hold a lot of tension, if you can soften your eyes and face this will innately allow your body to release.

DROP. When your shoulders are nearly touching your ears 🦻 this means you are holding a lot of tension. Let this shoulders drop and your body will follow.

OPEN. When tensions are high we tend to squeeze onto the nearest object to “brace” ourselves for what we are about to experience, this grasping or bracing will tense our muscles and increase the sensation of labor. Try letting go, open your wrists to the ceiling and embrace the amazing change your body is experiencing.

For more tips, follow me on Instagram @SupportedSerenity


Northpointe Birth Center


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